Transfusion Bits and Bytes - Transfusion Medicine Lab Technologist Education Videos

The BC Provincial Blood Coordinating Office (PBCO), in collaboration with the BC Technical Resource Group (TRG) is pleased to offer a series of transfusion related education videos called Transfusion Bits and Bytes. These videos are intended for general Medical Laboratory Technologists working in Transfusion Medicine Services.  Funding support was generously provided by the Canadian Blood Services BloodTechNet 2011 Learning Competition.


Six educational videos varying in length between 13 to 26 minutes are now available.  Click on the following topics to access the videos:


  Transfusion Medicine Educational Videos 
Anne Lucas
 Anne Lucas
 Anne Lucas
 Anne Lucas
 Kathy Chambers
 Kathy Chambers

TMS IVIG Request Process

 For any related inquiries, please contact us.